Qimtek Buyer Insights - 22/02/16

Boeing investment in the UK soars

New research carried out by Oxford Economics has outlined that Boeing’s direct employment in the UK increased by 17% between 2012 and 2014, while indirect supply chain employment grew by 38%.

As the UK is Boeing’s largest source of supply in Europe, the latest figures are extremely positive, reflecting commitment and strength. Boeing have also confirmed that on average, they hired a new employee every day and that spending within the UK supply chain in 2015 increased by around 28% compared to the previous year.

2016 is set to be a landmark year for the company, as they mark their centenary with the opening of a number of new facilities. To find out more, head here.. http://ow.ly/YBAmb

How SMEs can win with supply chain management systems

Although SMEs can choose from an abundance of software in supply chain management systems, many do not actually understand and utilise the full value of these.

The software can support daily decision making for complex matters, such as what to buy, when, how much for and where from. But what happens when SME owners don’t appreciate that IT systems, such as SCM systems, are only as good as the data entered into them? Ultimately, the results involve losing market share, and above all, money.

Discover the tips for supply chain management systems by heading here.. http://ow.ly/YBAe5

Three steps to supply chain resilience

Events such as the explosion that took place at the port of Tianjin on August 12 2015 reinforce the need for supply chain resilience. But, if organisations follow steps when it comes to supply chain management, it’s likely that they’ll be able to build resilience and recover from any disruptions.

1. Identify suppliers
Identifying critical suppliers is one of the first steps. Whether your company has a few suppliers or hundreds, any disruption could easily impact both you and others. Each supplier has a unique connection to your operations, so a good understanding of these links could prove beneficial.

2. Identify risks shared by you and suppliers
By carrying out a risk assessment on key suppliers, you can highlight potential problems with market influence, social factors, economic factors and practices.

3. Loss prevention
Once you know who your suppliers are, how do you mitigate any risks they bring? This could involve risk improvement efforts, switching suppliers, or even spreading financial impact across multiple areas.  

For more on the three steps, head here.. http://ow.ly/YBA8V