
Cambridge Dynamics and Defuma


We Are Still Here For You

We would like to let you know that during these uncertain times we, here at Cambridge Dynamics and Defuma, are still working to manufacture your parts and provide you with a high level of customer service.

Amongst the customers of Cambridge Dynamics and Defuma are hospitals and food and beverage manufacturers. It is our responsibility to remain open to provide the orders and services necessary for the continued operation of these organisations and their supply chain. It is equally our responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of our staff, customers and suppliers by doing so in the safest possible way.

Like many other businesses, we are following government guidance by allowing our team to work from home where possible, however we will continue to operate with the relevant safety measures in place.

We sincerely hope that you, your colleagues and your families are remaining safe and well in these difficult and unprecedented times.

Andrew Becker
