Engineering Capacity Online Advertising Specifications
For manufacturers about subcontractors
Advertise with Engineering Capacity
Engineering Capacity gives you a unique channel to build your business in the UK subcontracting and contract manufacturing market.
It is the only UK publication that is only focused on this market and is widely read and respected throughout the industry as an impartial source of vital business information and an invaluable way of building your customer base.
The combination of a daily updated website, print and digital editions and a weekly newsletter enables readers to receive news and use the information resource in a way that suits them best. It also enables advertising clients to tailor their marketing message through the most effective medium. typically has over 3,000 users a month requesting over 3,400 page views – primarily from the UK, but also reaching out to Europe, the US and the rest of the world. A range of online advertising options are available to allow you to reach the audience that matters to you.
Every week a selection of the best stories is sent out to 7.500 subscribers – ensuring high visibility and traffic for sponsors.
The traditional print edition of Engineering Capacity is sent every two months to 6,000 readers who have either requested the magazine or have been identified as being a key buyer or supplier in the market. Regular features cover key processes and sectors.
The print edition is now complemented by a digital edition that is sent to all 7,500 subscribers to the Engineering Capacity e-newsletter.
For the full media pack please click here.
For more information on how these three channels can help you build your business please email [email protected] or call 01737 270 648
Front cover: 162mm wide by 152mm deep plus a 3mm bleed
Back cover: 162mm wide by 221mm deep plus a 3mm bleed
Full page: Type Area 140mm by 201mm – bleed Size 162mm by 221 plus 3mm bleed
Two-thirds display: 92mm wide by 180mm deep
A full page for the IFC is 162mm wide by 221mm deep plus 3mm bleed
A half page is 140mm wide by 93mm deep.
A half page horizontal bleed is: 162mm wide by 110mm deep plus a 3mm bleed.
Directory sizes
Single Col vertical: 44mm wide by 58mm deep
Single Col double vertical: 44mm wide by 118mm deep
Double Col landscape: 92mm wide by 58mm deep
Banner is 728 wide by 90 pixels deep (300dpi).
Leaderboard 728 by 90 pixels (desktop) 320 by 50 pixels (mobile)
Box ad 250 by 250 pixels
Further information on specifications and acceptable file types for online advertising:
Acceptable Formats
GIF, animated GIF, JPEG, PNG
Flash Files should be avoided as they do not render on Apple devices
If a Flash File is the only format available, you must supply the file with an embedded tracking code & a GIF or JPEG
Flash Files will not be accepted for mobile usage, please supply a static image
Supplied rich media in advertisements is subject to our approval
File size
Files that are too big slow website loading times for visitors to the site. Supplied material that exceeds the maximum file size indicated by more than 20% will be returned to the originator for revision
The maximum file size is 40KB.
The maximum animation length is 15 seconds