Qimtek Industry News Round up – 05/06/17

Hitachi join the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering as latest corporate donor
The world’s most prestigious engineering prize, the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize), has announced Hitachi, Ltd. as their latest corporate donor. Hitachi, Ltd. joins BAE Systems, BP, GlaxoSmithKline, Jaguar Land Rover, National Grid, Nissan Motor Corporation, Shell UK Ltd., Siemens UK, Sony, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Steel Europe and Toshiba in supporting the prize. Read more…

‘Moon Frost’ spotted near south pole by Nasa orbiter
Data from a Nasa orbiter, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), suggests that cold, dark spots near the Moon’s south pole could be home to frost. The clues were spotted in cold traps: permanently dark and cold areas, such as those hidden on the floor of a deep crater. Under these conditions, water could remain as ice for potentially billions of years. Read more…

Great Depths of Opportunities in India for UK SubSea Firms
UK subsea companies showcased their technology and expertise to senior officials from India's largest oil and gas exploration and production company, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), last week on a trade mission to South Asia. Organised by industry body Subsea UK, in partnership with the Department of International Trade (DIT), the five-day mission saw representatives from Expro Group, Flexlife, GE Oil and Gas, SMD, Sonardyne and Tata Steel participate in a series of workshops to demonstrate their deep-water exploration and production capabilities.  Read more…

Bursary supports education and training of engineers who have faced obstacles
For the second year the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has launched a bursary scheme that will give successful applicants up to £4,000 to support their education and training. The IET Engineering Horizons Bursary scheme offers support to students and apprentices who have faced obstacles or personal challenges and need financial assistance to help them during their studies or Apprenticeship. The 2017 scheme is opening with an initial ten grants supported by National Grid. Applications must be received before 12 October 2017. Read more…

Electric vehicles must be made noisier, blind campaigners demand
Some car companies are yet to install artificial sounds in EVs, while others allow drivers to simply switch off audible warnings, rendering them a potential hazard. New sounds are being synthesised by engineers to make notoriously quiet hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs) noisier, but groups representing blind people have warned vague European Union regulations could mean the green cars will remain virtually silent at speeds of under 20 miles-per-hour. Read more…

Residential fuel cells could cut energy bills and lower CO2 emissions
Fuel cell technology designed for use in homes, which could cut household carbon dioxide emissions by almost one third and significantly reduce energy bills, is being developed in the UK. Ceres Power, which has developed Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) technology known as SteelCell, has announced an agreement with an unnamed manufacturer to integrate the system into its products for residential customers. The two-year agreement, which is being supported by a £700,000 grant to Ceres Power by Innovate UK, will see the manufacturer carry out systems engineering work to integrate the core SteelCell technology into commercial products. Read more…