TRUMPF first time global partner of the CODE_n innovation platform

TRUMPF SUPPORTS OUT-OF-THE-BOX THINKING ... first time global partner of the CODE_n innovation platform

With the world becoming ever more digital, companies need to develop their business models continually.  It is to encourage the exchange of fresh and unconventional business ideas that CODE_n was established.  It describes itself as a Global Ecosystem for Digital Pioneers and, for the second year in a row, machine tool and laser technology specialist TRUMPF will act as partner to this innovation platform; indeed, this year for the first time as global partner.

The CODE_n community get together at an event called the new.New Innovation Festival for which TRUMPF was a strategic partner last year. Indeed, last year’s festival proved such a success that TRUMPF has chosen to be a global partner in 2016 and take on an even more prominent role. This year’s event will take place in Karlsruhe from 20th – 22nd September 2016.  More information from

“The success of Industry 4.0 relies on multiple partners working together and CODE_n is our chance to share ideas with other companies – in particular start-ups – to shape the future of photonics,” explains Berthold Schmidt, Head of Corporate R&D at TRUMPF.

As an innovator and technology leader in laser technology, TRUMPF is primarily focusing on ambitious start-ups concentrating on Photonics 4.0 and is acting as patron for this cluster.  This initiative is all about how Industry 4.0 is driven using optical technologies.

“We want to work with CODE_n participants to find out how light, for example, might transform our work and social environments in the future.  Or, how it could enable optical sensors that provide data for machine analysis,” Berthold Schmidt adds. “Other areas of interest include ideas for augmented reality and metal 3D printing.”

Laser is a universal tool that has a key role to play in these technologies and, as market leader, TRUMPF’s involvement will be pivotal.

Five British Startups enter the finals

- 52 startup finalists from 11 countries will present their digital business models at the CODE_n new.New Festival in Germany in September

- Startups from the United Kingdom off to a good start: TaxFree4U, Everledger, Kantox, Quantum Base and Bodle Technologies made it into the finals

- Early bird festival tickets now available