Here at Qimtek, we’re extremely proud of the fact that our members have won millions of pounds worth of work through our network. We’ve crafted our membership to make introductions between buyers and suppliers of subcontract engineering services as straightforward as it can possibly be. With that being said, Qimtek membership doesn’t work for every company the first time around. There is a myriad of reasons as to why this can occur, but the most common is that we’re a user-led service.
A common question we’re asked by companies who are considering membership is whether or not we can guarantee that they will win work. The simple answer is that we cannot. Qimtek membership provides you with live enquiries from buyers who have an active requirement, complete with drawings and contact details, but if and how you choose to quote these enquiries is completely up to you. Ultimately, your success is down to your approach, which can be a case of trial and error if you’re not from a sales background.
We have a handful of members who, despite being unsuccessful during their first membership term, came back on board later and started winning work. If you’re one of those who are currently reconsidering the membership, then please be aware that Qimtek is 100% dedicated to supporting your efforts. We will do all we can to ensure that your second term helps you to grow your business. However, as previously mentioned, your own input will either make or break the success of your membership and therefore, you may find the following suggestions useful.
Mindset is Key:
Without disparaging anyone’s previous efforts, a certain amount of self-reflection has to take place before rejoining the Qimtek membership. If you weren’t actively following up your quotes, or calling to introduce yourselves to the buyers you were quoting, then this probably had a part to play in you not winning work. Although some of the jobs submitted to our members could be described as ‘small’, a majority of the buyers using our network are looking to form long-term relationships with our members. That is, the initial job is merely a gateway to a much larger potential for work.
With this in mind, it’s essential that rapport building forms a part of your sales strategy. It’s vital that you take the time to speak to buyers and fully understand their requirements – a poorly-written quote emailed over to the client, with no follow-up, may lead the buyer to make negative assumptions about your business. A constructive telephone conversation, however, will demonstrate to the buyer that you’re serious about working with them.
Remember, we always include the buyer’s preferred contact method in every enquiry to make the sales process easier all round. A proactive mindset will pay dividends when it comes to forming new business relationships, so don’t be afraid to have these conversations!
It Isn’t All About Price:
One of the biggest myths surrounding our membership is that buyers are all looking for the cheapest price. If this were true, then our most expensive members wouldn’t be winning work, but they do – and often!
Sometimes, the new business process can feel arduous to even the most seasoned of sales professionals. A majority of our members are experts at subcontract engineering, not sales, so we completely understand that it can often be frustrating when a buyer doesn’t respond, or you don’t win a job you’ve quoted. However, in 90% of cases this is not down to price, although many assume that it is. Often, the winning member has gone a step beyond to offer value-adds that the customer desires, which they have identified by speaking to the customer directly.
It’s easy to blame price when you’re not winning any business, but this can be a harmful assumption which prevents you from seeing the bigger picture.
Use the Tools Within the Network:
As well as the live enquiries we send you, Qimtek membership also comes with a range of other tools to help you to win work and grow your business. For instance, you can raise brand awareness by populating your Preferred Supplier Profile and publishing news stories & press releases. We also give you the option to message and review buyers directly through our network, as well as indicating your interest levels on the projects you’re sent. Our most successful members use these tools in conjunction with actively quoting our buyers, ensuring that they’re utilising everything that our membership has to offer.
Let Qimtek Help You!
We’re passionate about helping our members grow, which is why we’re always happy to give you guidance. Our background is in sales and new business, meaning that we’re able to offer constructive advice on all manner of topics, from quoting effectively, through to rapport building and account management. What’s more our sourcing team will happily contact buyers on your behalf if you’re struggling to get through, or offer insight into the companies you’d most like to work with.
With this in mind, it’s completely up to you whether you choose to take the advice we offer - as accountability ultimately lies with our members, we can only point you in the right direction. However, please rest assured that we know what we’re talking about when it comes to both new business and your potential new customers - all you have to do is ask!
If you’d like to find out more about rejoining our membership, please give me a call on 01256 394 500, or email [email protected].